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Tips for Christmas Cleaning

Christmas can be one of the most busiest times of the year, with all the preparations, decoration, Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, rearranging, cleaning etc...

Christmas cleaning can be overwhelming but we are here to help!

Here are some tips that will make your Christmas cleaning a lot easier:

Kitchen First

The kitchen can be one of the hardest place to clean depending on the amount of grease, food crumbs and usage.

  • Oven: It is always good to get that oven cleaning done before Christmas parties.

Tip: A quick trick to cleaning oven is to buy a oven degreaser and to leave

it for the amount of time as per instructions, you can do the rest of the kitchen

cleaning while you let the product work.

  • Stove: The same degreaser you use for the oven can also be used for the stove, this will allow you to remove the grease quicker.

Tip: Spray degreaser on the oven and stove to save yourself time.

  • Refrigerator: All your Christmas leftovers will most likely be stored in the fridge, so it's important to give the fridge a good cleaning. While you wait for the degreaser to do it's job with the oven and stove, focus on cleaning the fridge.

Tip: There's no need to buy another product, washing up liquid with water

does the job just perfectly.

  • Cutlery and Glassware: If you have special cutlery and glassware for Christmas make sure you give them a good cleaning before the Christmas party or dinner.

Tip: Leave cutlery and glassware soaking in hot water and washing up

liquid for 15 minutes, this will make it a lot easier to clean.

Bathroom & Toilet Second

Both bathrooms and toilets have the capacity to hold a lot of bacteria, you may want to touch up the cleaning the day before Christmas dinner or if you don't have time, make it a house rule to deep clean once every week.

  • Toilet Bowl and Sink: It's important to make sure to clean the toilet bowl and sink underneath as bacteria can easily hide here.

Tip: Use bleach or disinfectant to give the whole external bowl/sink

a wipe and try to wipe those pipes too.

  • Bathtub/Shower: it doesn't have to be so hard to clean these if you do it strategically.

Tip: use bathroom cleaner (you can buy this from local grocery shop) and

make sure to leave product for recommended time. To get shiny taps use Viakal.

  • Walls: bathroom walls can also contain limescale and toilet walls can hold splash back. You can use Viakal for the bathroom walls, again leave the product to act and for the toilet walls a disinfectant or bleach will do.

Tip: to avoid your arm hurting from all the scrubbing you can use a

flat mop (clean) to wipe the hard to reach areas.

Steam cleaning is a great way to deep clean any bathroom and toilet.

Living Room Third

The living room is is probably where most of your decorations will be so you'll need to keep an eye out when cleaning.

  • Carpets: When it comes to Christmas the room most used is the living room. It's important to make sure the carpets are clean for health reasons. You can hire a company to do your carpet cleaning a week before Christmas.

Tip: You can do spot cleaning in your carpet by buying carpet cleaning solution.

  • Sofa: You'll likely spend a lot of time on the sofa this Christmas! Again, we highly recommend you give your sofa and any other upholstery some cleaning.

  • Surfaces: Give every surface a wipe with disinfectant and if you have little children around make sure you reach the lower parts.

Tip: To give your home a nice smell, try and use scented disinfectant, a

good brand is Zoflora or alternatively you can use

scented candles or air freshener.

  • Windows: Many people forget their windows! But it's important to get them clean, you never know if it'll be a snowy Christmas and you want to be able to look out some clean windows.

Tip: Using a squeegee with warm soapy water works wonders!

Bedrooms Last

You're going to want to spend a little time decluttering and cleaning the bedrooms.

  • Beds: There's nothing like spending Christmas night on a warm, nice clean bed. Make sure to change sheets, pillow cases and maybe add an extra comfy blanket. There's a lot of dead skin on mattresses so it's good practice to get your bed steam cleaned at least once a year.

Tip: You can get your bed disinfected by using a general disinfectant spray

over your bed and letting it dry.

  • Wardrobe: This is the perfect time to make space for those Christmas gifts, so take the time to go through your wardrobe and select what you want to keep for the new year.

Tip: Whatever you don't want you can give to charity or you can resell it

and make some extra cash for Christmas!


Cleaning can take up some time so make sure to plan ahead.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas.

Do let us know on our socials if the tips provided helped.

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